Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stephanie Backes and photo 21

I am still planted in front of my computer compiling and compiling and listing and gathering and sorting through all I've done these past couple years as a teacher and artist--it is important work to do for my place of employment, and I respect the necessity of it, but...
I am looking with longing at all that is still unfinished on my studio wall (see left), all that is in mid-sentence--would so love to pick up the string and carry on.

So in the interim, a brief look through Beautiful/Decay leads me to temporary aesthetic respite:

Stephanie Backes, a German artist making remarkable and fastidious little (?) sculptures. I'm having some trouble finding more than what I've got linked to her name, but WOW!

And lastly in regards to this post's title...my computer's photo booth function tells me the above photo is actually "photo 21"--hmmm, now what hidden meaning might I cull from this mechanical naming?

Dreaming of my studio in the meantime....

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