Tuesday, December 2, 2008

52 actions (at home)

Fumble in the dark.
Brew a pot of tea.
Sit on the couch in silence.
Pour a glass of water.
Make a bowl of oatmeal.
Read for several minutes.
Let the cats in.
Read for several minutes.
Fold a load of laundry.
Swallow a daily vitamin.
Respond to a crying child.
Change a morning diaper.
Wash a sink of dishes.
Spoon yogurt into a bowl.
Cut a banana.
Pack lunch for school.
Close a door.
Watch from a window.
Walk up a flight of stairs.
Put away clean clothes.
Take a shower.
Wring out a wet washcloth.
Dry a wet body.
Pull on soft clothes piled at the foot of a bed.
Smell the residue of brewed coffee.
Wear a pair of red worn sandals.
Sweep a rock strewn path.
Sweep a hairy floor.
Make an unkempt bed.
Correct a thesis paper.
Prepare for drawing class.
Pour a glass of water.
Drink a cup of tea.
Push a stroller down the street.
Buy a cranberry-orange scone.
Read part of an article.
Roast a pile of bright red beets.
Make a piece of buttered toast.
Wipe a crumb-strewn counter.
Close a half-open window.
Listen to the quiet of a house.
Put away the remains of dinner.
Load an empty dishwasher.
Paint toenails red.
Peel a newly bought orange.
Cover a blister with a band-aid.
Stand up straight.
Stretch a tight body.
Walk up two flights of steps.
Fill the tub with water.
Sit in stillness.
Give the cats some food.